Monday, June 30, 2008

Que Triste...

Oh well...false alarm. No baby yet. Went to the hospital and got to see an indian nurse use my wife like a finger puppet. Told us to come back in the morning at 7:30 am. Guess i'll just have to keep waiting...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Still waiting...

Well. It's 9 days after the due date and still no baby. It looks like it's going to be an induced birth. Tomorrow at 6:30pm, we're off to the hospital. Meanwhile, just taking care of all the basics: Laundry, Dishes, Grocery Shopping, Returning Library Books...Very exciting stuff! ;-)

One more day of work and then 2 weeks off. More or less :-)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

If you looked at my profile and don't understand what I do for a living...I'm the guy playing Halo in this video:

My Personal Baby Blog! :-)

Welcome! This blog is dedicated to the insistent drive of the section of the population blessed with a second X chromosome. Baby pictures...Nesting...PMS... these are just several of their trademarks. I have decided (under the influence of said populaltion) to bring a child into the world, who just happens to be a girl. I will update the site with pictures so instead of emailing, mailing, or phone conversations I can just send a text message with a web address and get back to the wonderful task of being me. This is the first step in redesigning the world in my image. ;-)